Powered By Optel Starman AI 
What is Optel Starman AI engine?
Optel Starman AI is a proprietary unstructured data processing engine that starts with raw text and generates structured knowledge and derives insights relevant to the context. Generated data is stored in knowledge graph and indexed to make it easily discoverable and searchable.
Its high volume processing capability enables web scale processing of large amounts of feed from both enterprise and internet sources. It leverages multiple small and large fine-tuned models.
Unique entity identifier - okipId
Optel Starman AI generates a unique identifier for all entities it comes across. This helps the system to get up-to-date information on all entities with a 360 degree view
Workflow based processing
Starman AI supports processing based on workflows. Each document is processed based on it's content and type. Steps can be removed or added based on individual requirements
Automated knowledge graphs
Knowledge graph is dynamically updated for new information uncovering connections and insights from continuous stream of data. Unique confidence attribution design helps keep the graph reliable.
Large language models & Specialized language models
The system combines the amazing language capabilities of LLMs with more specialized models and deterministic algorithms to make decisions and insights truthful and fact based.