Smart knowledge and nurturing tool for sales and account teams

Acquire valuable insights and information pertaining to accounts, relevant topics, and prospects
Personalized search and answers
Always gets you the right content and answers personalized to your context. Unique combination of curation, facets and generative AI helps you focus in on the most pertinent content
Optel Search
Easily share content with your customers
Share content with your customers and analyze engagement to understand key interests. Schedule emails. Use pre-defined templates or customize the message with generative AI
Optel Email
Curated bundles
Make knowledge accessible across your organization with expert-curated bundles. AI-enabled bundles filter noise and extract credible signals from live content, empowering sales teams with up-to-date trends on specific accounts and topics for meaningful customer interactions
Optel Bundles
Engagement analytics
Identify highly engaged content. Observe how your connections engage with your material. Optel automatically identifies interest categories for each connection, derived from interactions
Optel Engagement

Knowledge and insights platform for product teams

Minimize research time and uncover valuable insights from unstructured data, giving you a strategic edge over competitors
Critical insights for decision making
Use curated bundles to track and analyze whats happening in your domain. Analyze data by topics, products, people and organizations
Optel Analytics
Multi-modal content pipelines
Bring multi-modal content together to get a comprehensive picture. Seamlessly integrate and process high volume data to uncover critical insights at speed and scale
Optel Channels